Taking care of yourself after Job Rejection
"Thank you for expressing your interest in our role as a _____. We regret to inform you that on this occasion your application has been unsuccessful."
Is what they all say or at least that's how it feels. Job rejection sucks! I mean literally, it sucks the hopes and dreams out of you all at once just to make you feel like you are back to square one all over again!
Overcoming these feelings of doubt, low self-esteem and shame can be quite difficult. This is why having a plan of action in place is critical. In this blog post, I will be outlining what I mean by a plan of action, how to overcome these feelings of doubt and exhaustion, and share my take on job rejections as someone who constantly receives them.
Plan of action
What is a plan of action? A plan of action is a detailed plan outlining the set of actions needed to reach to achieve a goal.
How is this applicable to job rejection? Well, to begin with, a plan of action allows you to plan for the unpredictable and less desired outcome. It allows you to take control of the situation and feel more secure when a plan does not follow through.
However, it also allows you to take steps towards having a more successful outcome. Having a plan of action lets you map a strategy making you better equipped and holding you accountable for your actions.
An example of a plan of action would be as follows:
1)Update Current Resume: Use tools such as Canva, Adobe and other online resources. Include keywords that fit the role you are applying for. Refer back to the job description.
2) Re-upload resume to job-seeking sites.
3) Create a cover letter then edit it to fit a particular role of interest. Make sure to personalise your cover letter for every role you apply to.
4) Reach out to the recruiter of the role using LinkedIn or emailing them.
5) Be flexible to interview dates/times: Prioritise! You want the role so find the time.
6) After the interview send over questions you may have forgotten to ask. Makes you stand out as a potential candidate and makes you more easily memorable.
7) If unsuccessful send a thank you letter to the recruiter and ask for feedback. Feedback is critical as you can reflect on where you went wrong and find a solution.
8) Work on optimising your LinkedIn profile and growing your network.
9) Process your emotions and reflect on the appropriate action to take. If you are feeling particularly exhausted then take a break!
Your plan of action can vary and it will be personalised to you. This is just an example of an action plan I would take.....well, that I do take lol.
Having this plan of action prepares you and sets you up for success. It enables you to strategise the best approach and adjust it accordingly.
From this plan of action, I want to highlight step 9 specifically which is: Processing your emotions.
Processing your emotions is crucial when it comes to job rejections
Here are some ways to help you process your emotions properly:
Address your basic needs:
Practice Gratitude:
Whatever approach you decide to take when it comes to dealing with job rejections please make sure it is a safe approach that does not damage your mental, physical or emotional well-being.
Remember that - Rejection is Redirection!